Nice little tool for workers on servers if they want to tell others that they are away from the terminal and why or when they are back. Use away to lock your terminal with options to check for incoming mail [-c] and a string -m “away-string” seen by others in the w-output.
lemmy@server% away -c -m "Out to lunch, Lemmy"
angus@server% w 23:15:12 up 6:66, 5 users, load average: 0,03, 0,38, 0,52 USER TTY FROM LOGIN@ IDLE JCPU PCPU WHAT angus pts/0 highway 10:00 13:15 1:05m 0:00s w lemmy pts/1 hammersmith 22:10 01:05 5:00s 0.01s Out to lunch, Lemmy